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MC gives different weights to different sites. So random fan site A B or C rating a game 15 points higher than the average, won’t have the effect assumed. Especially if that website has a history of “inflating” review scores. Also, until all review sites use the same scoring method, sites like MC and OC are flawed and should not be taken seriously.

To use the OPs example game, if I were to review SoT right now I’d say 7/10. Which converts to a 70 on MC. But if I were using a 5 point scale, I’d say it’s about a 2.5 out of 5. To me, that’s right about at a 7/10 game. But in MC, it translates literally, which means 50. But what if I use a letter system? I’d say SoT is a good C game right now. A C is not bad. I’d love a C in some of my college classes right now. But on MC a C is a 50. There are just too many different scoring systems with their own interpretations to take these aggregate sites seriously.