RolStoppable said:
I haven't tried the easy mode myself. It probably reduces the damage you take by 20% or a similar value. I don't remember the exact details of the connector quest, but this should be one of the quests that is split into subquests. Look into the Quest Log, select the appropriate quest and make it your active one. This will make it viewable in the bottom right of the gameplay screen (press ZR to bring up a box with the quest objective) and add a marker at the top of the screen that you can follow. One of the probably two subquests is to kill an enemy in the southern area of Gormott. The other subquest is to either collect money or go salvaging; the latter option is notably cheaper and there's a salvage point in the center of Torigoth that has very beatable enemies, so it doesn't matter if you fish some. Any salvage point on Gormott would work though, but there's no reason to make life more difficult for yourself. |
Thanks for the help! Completed that and the chapter.