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Squilliam said:
disrupt3r said:
starcraft said:
And we still haven't heard a single instance of a manufactured post-October system breaking down. Given how much of a hard-on the internet has for any and all cases of Rrod, thats something.

well i can confirm that there is atleast one. i bought a xbox 360 console about 6 weeks ago and it lasted a total of 15 minutes while playing halo 3 before it froze, turned off then had the 3 red rings when turned back on.


Actually Starcraft, the console will still give RROD, infact mine blipped it at me a couple of months ago when I knocked the power lead out. What it means essentially is somethings broken and its not the Drive or the Hard Disk Drive. The better statement is : Microsoft has fixed the faults that caused the original problem to be brought up, but like any other system faults do happen, but it is within the normal range for consoles now. @"cant see your name because this forum thing is messed up"... Too bad about the 360! Did the repair experience go well? It just sounds like a manufacturing fault, or a fault that developed in transport/handling. Could have been something like the GPU or CPU heatsink misaligned...

yeah no problem at all, just returned it to the store i purchased it from the next day as they had a 30 day instore warrenty. just exchanged it for another one. havnt had any problems since.