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Jaxyfoo said:
Maybe a few months down the line Amazon's predictive abilities will return to normal. For a long time this thread was even without the excellent NPD track record, a bastion of decent sales related talk from all sides.

It seems quite sad that too many have started to use Amazon and this thread as a weapon in fanboy wars. It's not needed. There is plenty of room for that in the npd threads and elsewhere.

Used positively Amazon absolutely is showing all 3 consoles are doing great. There are lots of great games doing healthy amounts too, instead of the usual Cod/ Sport franchise domination we've seen too often over the years. It seems a great time to be a gamer.

When I join a gaming community and forum, it is to make friends not enemies. To discuss what we love and why we love it. To hear about people talking about little gems of games you haven't heard of. To find ready made friends you have talked to for hours and enjoy multiplayer with, or enjoy beating their player challenges.

It could all be so much more. You don't need to lick your wounds for the next fight. Leave the fight behind and enjoy gaming for games again.

Well said