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bdbdbd said:
@Legend: Yeah, PC gamers, who missed good single player games bought a console... But where to turn after you can't get those even to a console.

Ok. How many consoles are online? Every console not online, doesn't require ANY online games.

I remember seeing somewhere that soon after the PS3 launched in Europe, over 50% or something like that has signed up for PSN, so I would say it's a fair amount. Also, with consoles like the PS3, if you have a wireless router (which are becomeing more and more popular) you don't need to even set up a connection becuase you can do it wirelessly, and so is less of a hassle than it was. I mean only 1/4 of our PCs is connected to the winternet by cable.

Personally, my view is that if a game has multiplayer already, then it also should have online. I mean people have said it's better to play with your friend, but you can do that anyway, also, I only see some of my relatives once a year, think how useful it would be if the game was online, and therefore I could play with people I don't get to see very often. I know nothing is better than playing in the same rooms as your friends, but playig online, is better than not playing in the same room. Like someone said previously, many games are made with engines that already have network progamming done, so it shouldn't hurt the developers at all.

Btw I have never played metroid, so I will give you guys the benefit of the doubt, and say it doesn't need online.


One person's experience or opinion never shows the general consensus

PSN ID: Tispower