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General Discussion - Smoking - View Post

Rath said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:

I don't smoke, and I hate smoke. I think people should do that bullshit outside. On the one hand, I think all drugs should be legalized, even the naughty ones, but I don't support indoor use of drugs that pollute the whole room.


Baaad idea. Half the murders in NZ are done under the influence of P. I will be part of the riots that would occur if that shit got legalized.

Oh and no, I find it disgusting and pointless - I'm pretty antidrug (apart from alcohol, which I'm all for) but at least there is a point to smoking marijuana.


I think if drugs were legalized we'd have safer pure drugs, no drug dealers, better drug education without propaganda for or against, and instead of billions of dollars going to drug cartels it could go to taxpaying citizens with real jobs and the government could tax the drugs to fund drug education and rehab clinics.  More jobs, less crime, less dealers, cleaner drugs, and fewer people in prison simply for possession.  And of course they'd still be regulated (i.e. age limits, and you can't DUI on anything).

I don't see why the government should have the ability to tell a voting taxpaying citizen what he or she can or can't do with their own body alone at home.