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Intrinsic said:
hiccupthehuman said:

I have a feeling this may not be entirely true.

Logically, the majority of the ROTW sales for the PS4 will likely be from regions where the PS4 is officially supported, and likely be supported by physical copies of games as well.

While in unofficially supported regions, while people may buy only digital, there are a lot less owners so I don't think it would really affect the global proportion of PS4's digital vs physical sales, since unofficially supported regions  have a smaller share of the ROTW sales, well since they aren't officially supported. 

And the same argument could be said for Xbox owners in unofficially supported regions as well anyway.

No.... ok' I can't speak for the rest of africa so I'll only focus on Nigeria. Its got a population of over 180M people. Now I'm gonna hazard a guess that at least 1M people own a PS4 over there (probably more but lets keep it low). 

Every single one of those 1M people aquired their console in an unofficial capacity because there is no official playstation support over there. Now there are a lot of other countries in africa. And this is just africa alone. Now the thing about this though is that sales from places like these don't even add to the ROTW number if I,m being honest. They add to the NA amd EU numbers cause thats where the consoles are bought from.

I just know that in such places around the world.... and all of such places probably account foe around 5-10M of global PS4 sales; they primarily buy their games digitally. Simply cause its cheaper. Like buying a game physically usually costs over $120 per game.

You are really overestimating how many PS4s or consoles in general there are in Nigeria and Africa in general.

The average income is 5,000-8,000 USD. I highly doubt that so many Nigerians are using their limited income on PS4s. Just thinking about the issues in Nigeria (and Africa overall) high poverty rate, low literacy rate, having one of the highest-infant mortality rate, etc., there is no way that so many Nigerians would be playing video games.

Case in point, in South Africa, which is one of the richest African countries, they sold 40,000 PS4s in its first year. So even in officially supported African countries, there are not that many PS4s. In unofficially supported ones, its gonna be even lower.