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Legend11 said:
PC gamers had this exact same argument years ago when online games were beginning to become popular on the PC. Some gamers were upset because single player games were becoming more and more rare. It's obvious what the outcome has been on PC, the rare single player game but the vast majority either online only or have an online component.

I realize some people will come back and say PCs are different but when it comes to online I can't imagine there being any real difference. It's just with consoles we're now at that point with online that PCs were at then.

I'm going to say this again, I DONT THINK ONLINE IS A BAD THING! For some reason it's coming across to some of you that I don't like online I do like most online games I have played. I just think it's not that important, if a game has online then great that good upgrade, but if it doesn't that doesn't make it a bad game. Online will continue to grow I agree! But it's not going to kill a game if does not have online (unless it's Halo lol).