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The climax of the film is the explosion of the inter-dimensional portal and the entire dimension inside, along with Gozer and Zuul.

The way the Ghostbusters cause this explosion is by holding their 4 guns at crotch-level and rubbing them against each other while aiming into the portal.  The dimension explodes, and hot sticky marshmallow rains down from the sky and covers the whole city.

Let's say 2 people in my apartment are having an argument:


Person 1: The guns represent their wangs, and they are rubbing their 4 wangs against each other, which causes an explosion of white sticky stuff to rain down on the city.  This is 4 simultaneous orgasms basically fucking a dimension to explode it.

Person 2: Person 1 is reading way too much into it to force a sexual joke.

Which way do you folks see it?


(I tried to make this into a poll at but I couldn't get it to work.  Can anybody help me out?)