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I love Smash, but my favorite was Brawl, both because outside of Snake it had a really good roster, and because it had a TON of single player content, especially a really big, elaborate Adventure Mode. To me, that was great, because I really don't play online that much. I know for a lot of people, Smash is all about fighting other players, which is fair. But to ME, I just don't do that much, so personally I really enjoyed just how much single player content there WAS in Brawl. Then the uninspired, non-subtitled Wii U game came out, and it felt like an empty room by comparison. Yes, the graphics were better, yes there were even more fighters (even though Sakurai took out the Ice Climbers for the dumbest of reasons). But the modes, outside of literally just fighting other players, was VERY sparse. There was nothing single player of any real value, in my opinion, and it felt like a mostly wasted purchase on my part because of it.

So with this NEXT Smash, if it really IS a new game, and not just a cheap port of Wii U which would honestly make more sense with the way Nintendo's been operating lately, it would be NICE if they would get back to form. Hopefully Sakurai got whatever dumbass mood he was in with Wii U/3DS out of his system, and now they are going to focus on JUST one platform game, and they're going to give us an ACTUAL Adventure Mode again, whether people can *GASP* put spoilers of the cut scenes on Youtube or NOT. And in general just pack the game with content. Actually GIVE me reasons to play it, outside of versing people online. And please, don't just throw in useless, non-Nintendo related characters, just to throw them in there.

As for the Switch itself overall, I personally still don't own one. There just hasn't been anything to WOW me and make me feel like "NOW I need to have one for ____". There hasn't been that game or games yet for me. A new, gorgeous HD Wave Race would be that game, as I've been waiting for one forever. A Pikmin 4 that fixes all the stupid shit they changed for no good reason in Pikmin 3, could be that game. A Star Fox that, for ONCE, isn't saddled with some pointless gimmick, and gets back to what made SF64 great, could be that game.

But for now, more 2.5D Yoshi and Kirby, while neat, doesn't make me NEED to own the console. A new Metroid Prime, which who knows what it'll be like with Retro NOT making it, doesn't make me NEED it. So we'll see. I'm sure I'll get one eventually, but they really need to focus on more NEW games, and less ports and remasters. It's GOOD that Switch is getting (for now) some fairly strong support. But I am really not that rebuying games.