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I will say, introducing the Inklings like this for Smash is a fitting way to do it. It sparks memories of their introduction trailer at E3 2014 and, in a sense, allows Mario and Link, Nintnedo’s two old reliables, to induct them into their group as the Next Generation of fighters in Smash, while creating new memes. Considering the doubts/disadvantages the original Splatoon had against it, whether it be having relatively low content to start at full price, gyro controls, no voice chat, unusual leveling and ranking system, and being under a console with low sales, Splatoon emerged as a hot newIP, especially in Japan.

It now has holographic concerts for the Squid Sisters and Off the Hook, food/merchandise, art books, a manga, an anime, etc. under its belt. It is challenging IPs such as Dragon Quest and Monster Hunter for Japanese dominance (outside of Pokémon, of course) and the sequel just became the first 2 million seller on home consoles in Japan since Wii Party in 2010. Really cool seeing Splatoon evolve in such a short amount of time.