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The thing is, that game runs just ok on the base PS4. Doom was a game that ran really well on base PS4 but the Switch port, while good enough, has some problems. If Doom has problems running on Switch, MHW will have bigger problems. TBH, i'd rather just Capcom make a Switch Exclusive Monster Hunter or something. I have both PS4 and Switch (And Xbone... thanks Microsoft... thanks for no exclusives...) So if a game launches on only 1 of them, it's not a problem for me, but i understand that this is not the case for the majority of people. However, no port at all is imho better than a port that runs like shit (Which even though i LOVE what they did with Skyrim Special Edition, MHW will simply not run on the Switch.) I'm okay with them trying, but if it doesn't do well, they need to not release it.