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I think they have smart enough guys at R&D and product management to know wtf they are doing... at least way better than any of us here....

my opinion now

they won't make the same hardware mistake again they simply can't.... about devs... the architecture MS will chose is probably so close to XB 360 that it will be a non issue... the real question is the price tag..... if they can produce a console relatively cheap so that people that just bought an XB 3 years ago won't have to sell a kidney to get one.... or that it is more interesting to get an XB 3 than any other console as an additional one... that's the real issue... look at PS2... they are still here... I don't see why XB 360 couldn't be kept alive and have a new one coming.... especially if dev is similar to one another.... dev will be able to have the game released on both....