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SpokenTruth said:
Nymeria said:
Hit him on policy over and over, that is how to beat him in 2020. Ignore the daily nonsense of stuff he says on Twitter. Fight for something, rather than "not as bad as Trump".

Trump sounded good to many who felt lost in the statue quo, but running a campaign and promising things is very different from governing. He is beatable, especially in various states in the midwest he barely won to overcome popular deficit with an electoral victory.

Democrats need to be shouting over and over a bold policy position such as "Medicare for All" up and down ballots. People still don't know what the left stands for and these tantrums about "The Internet Freaking Out" over some juvenile celebrity or petty social aspect is not the way forward.

2016 was a harsh lesson not to take people for granted or feel entitled to office, you have to earn votes.

2 things will work.

1. Do not put him against another supremely flawed candidate like Clinton. 

2. More voters.  We simply need the numbers in the right places. 

Number 2 requires motivation. People under 40 lean left and don't vote, people over 60 lean right and do vote. We have a whole generation now that if they showed up like their parents/grandparents could shake this country in a way haven't seen since the new deal.  The issue I see among my peers is apathy and disillusionment.  "They're all the same" or "Both sides are corrupt" is the mantra of large swathes of non voters.  You need someone who speaks to them and feel genuine.

The Democrats could win in 2020 simply due to Republican fatigue, but could be right back to present situation in 2024.  I really think there is a chance here to make a mark in ways haven't seen since the 1960s left shift or 1980s right shift in politics.