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What is it to have diversity if you can't make most of them great ?
Although Nintendo was in sleep mode during most of Wii U/3DS era, overall they clearly have the most memorable games and iconic consoles.

Playstation is a safe brand, they don't take any risks, their consoles are always the same and so it their controller. When you call adding a share button and a flashlight a big change, there is a problem with your innovation lol. Nintendo obviously had ups and downs but at least when they did they tried something.

For the games, Nintendo has by far the most rewarded and iconic franchises. Each main title is different from one another, something that the competition usually don't do and that's why there is so many new IP cause they just can't make their franchises last more than 2 generations.

Nintendo always know how to make video game different and interesting and they sold the most hardware.
So to me, it's Nintendo. I get that some would prefer playstation for a narrative point of view. But to me a great company takes risks and evolves from their mistakes instead of letting others do the innovation and making it their own a couple years later..