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The same way that the "hardcore action" movies of the 80's (Predator, Aliens, Terminator, ...) were huge - then died out, as they ended up as 'niche' movies - the same thing will happen to the hardcore games from our era.

They are being replaced by "mass market" titles (crap like Big Mammas House).

The old titles will always remain as "well known brands", and will end up with sequels popping up every 5-10 years - if not spinoffs, which may target more mass markets (i.e. AvP...).

The new casual market is only starting to be tapped into, this will last a good 10-20 years before any form of saturation hits. I don't know if they will actually do it, but I can only imagine what sort of sales Nintendo could have with a game like "WiiSports II" (or whether they leave that for the Wii II launch).

The reaction from the hardcore is the same - yet its always dollars that do the talking. Some hardcore will survive, and some will die out.

Gesta Non Verba

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