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Considering the size of the universe and the fact there may be a cycle of big bangs and big crunches that have been going on perhaps for infinity I find it difficult to except that my life won't end. Take pleasure where you can and perhaps stop and think about the amazing experience to exist and think. I remember Carl Sagan on Cosmos saying life is a way of the universe to know itself. In a hundred years from now we are likely all gone and another set of idiots will be pondering their existance on some sort of gaming forum then. Perhaps 500 years from now there will be humans living and existing on planets around other stars and again pondering their existence and meaning.

I always like to read of people thinking about death and their existence, it somehow makes me feel more connected to others. Sometimes we focus on the trivia of life, gamesplaying etc and so many things that really don't matter and its nice to read there are other tortured souls out there I guess. There is really no wrong options in life because ultimately there is no real purpose, have kids, don't have kids, make money, don't make money or just be lazy, eat what you like and enjoy games and movies and travelling etc. Sometimes people seem to think they need to achieve something before death and that makes death something that could happen soon and stop them doing that which could be upsetting but really you shouldn't think that way.

We might remember famous people of a few decades ago but what about great musicians of the 17th Century or people that did fine art and pottery back in the time of the Pharoehs. Many people have achieved great things and been forgotten in time and would it even matter if their name was remembered anyway.

Remember if we didn't die all the worlds resources would have been used up a long time ago and many billions of creatures would never had the chance to exist at all.

What do we actually do anyway, frequent trips to the toilet, eat food, talk nonsense that doesn't matter, sleep, repeatedly do the same crappy tasks, buy crap we don't need etc.

The older you get the more you see patterns repeating, the same tired old stories in tv programs for example.