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Rubang's 2 cents:

This is from 2001.  It's been seven years and seems to have only gotten worse.  I think it will get worse before it gets better, but I do honestly believe that at some point it will get better.  Both film and comic books (the 2 other young art forms which I feel have very similar history to video games) had some really horrible studio periods.  Films and comics used to be subject to way more censorship than they are now, and their markets have expanded in every possible direction, so we can have horrible blockbusters and still have indie films, we can have superhero comics, underground comics, and "graphic novels."  I think forcing the market to expand insanely fast like Nintendo's doing right now will eventually help games get the same respect that "graphic novels" and indie films now get.

I think it's gonna be a while before we can stop all the horrible game "journalism."  But at least the new image of a gamer is now somebody dancing around and waggling and doing yoga instead of somebody practicing a murder simulator or a flight simulator to shoot up a school or crash planes, like certain recently fallen enemies wanted the world to believe.

As the market expands in all directions, and people (trolls and CEOs alike) realize that new markets aren't replacing old markets, but actually complimenting them and expanding each other, people will realize that companies don't have to devote all their resources to one type of game, and if they do, a new developer will grow out of the ether and replace them, and games will be made for everybody in all genres on all systems and trolls will crawl under their bridges and starve to death.  I believe in a future where not only gaming gets respected just as much as other art forms, but game "journalism" as we know it falls apart and is replaced by actual art critics rather than corrupt paid-for fanboys, and I believe in a future where gamers get respected with the good games they deserve!!!