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Bristow9091 said:

I actually eat meat every single day, I don't remember the last time I had a meal that didn't have some sort of meat in it... and I don't think that will be changing any time soon either, lol. I don't mind people going veggie or vegan, as long as they don't try to make me feel bad for eating meat, it's what our fathers did, and our father's fathers, and our father's father's fathers, and our farther's father's farther's fathers, and our farther's fa-okay that's enough, no need to make a Monty Python reference, lol.

The fact that our fathers did it is a poor reason to do anything.  Should someone justify being a white supremacist because their father was, and their grandfather, and their great, great, great grandfather was a slave owner?  Things change.  People's attitudes on meat are beginning to change with it.  About 6% of North Americans now identify as vegans.  About 50% of germans are eating reduced-meat diets compared to what they ate previously.  About 10-15% of the country of Israel has gone vegan now, and rising quickly.

Besides, unless you come from a very wealthy family tree, it's unlikely that your "farther's father's farther's fathers..." ate a lot of meat.  High consumption of meat is pretty recent for humans, as in the last few generations only.  Until relatively recently, people simply couldn't afford much meat (and if they could, they would usually choose to spend that money on other things).  Traditionally, most humans ate mostly plants.  This isn't a matter of debate, by analyzing the remains of human hair, by rehydrating fossilized human stool, and more, we can see what people used to eat.  There's a reason that humans on plant-based diets tend to have the lowest rates of disease, and people on high meat/dairy/egg diets tend to have the most disease.  Humans must eat plants (otherwise we get scurvy), but eating meat is optional (and increasingly seen as undesirable when it comes to optimal health).

I don't say any of this to "make [you] feel bad", but you took the time to offer your rationale for your choice so I think that makes it fair game for people to comment on.  So if you choose to eat meat every day, just understand that you're not making a normal/natural choice, you're actually making a choice that flies in the face of most of our evolution.

Last edited by scrapking - on 28 February 2018