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I think you're right - they will.

This gen, we are seeing less big sellers, and more huge sellers.

The big sellers last gen will see bigger sales, but there will be less new IP monsters. We have already seen signs on this so far.

For the PS3, I think it should make it fairly easy - look here.

MGS 4 should be able to make 5M ish sales, perhaps more due to the bundle. That makes it equal the earlier installments on Ps2

FFXIII should make 5M quite easily, making it equal FFXII. 8M to equal FFX might be a tad high, but within reach.

Gran Turismo 5:P has sold 2.5M already. 5M should be a shoe-in for the full version, with 10M, beating GT4, a possibility.


That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS