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I've been vegetarian for three years (most days I eat 100% vegan, but somedays I eat cheese or egg products). My health has honestly gotten worse. I was told that sometimes it takes a while to get better and I eat based on a dietary analysis. I was super healthy before going vegan so that isn't the issue. I used to be able to function on 2-3 hours of sleep a day. Now I need a lot more and I crash. I thought maybe it's Iron, but I adjusted for that. At this point idk if I'll stay vegetarian. I'll give it another year, but the first year was okay because it was less vegan I guess. Now I really feel fatigue on an almost constant basis. I have not once since becoming vegetarian broken it and as I stated most days I eat entirely vegan. There were two times that I ate food that touched meat, but I felt inclined due to the circumstances. I do not value the animals over myself so if this doesn't change then I'm going back to a more happy omnivore diet.