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cwbys21 said:
I like it how people argue which game is more realistic. Reality is unless you live in Germany and drive on the autobahn you have never gone over 80 mph and even then it was on a relatively straight road with lots of banking to ensure an easy and safe drive. I doubt any one has ever driven into a corner at 130 mph with no banking hard on the brakes 6 inches away from another driver or felt your seat beneath your eye balls because you spun out during a corner and your ass puckered so hard against the seat that it sucked the seat up into your body. Remember also that most racing is done during the summer when it is 100 degrees and the windows are all rolled up for maximum down force on the car except for the driver window and they are designed to keep as much air out of the car as possible as wind blowing in the window at 100 mph would slow the car down and it creates a green house inside the car as you sit in the fire suite. When a game can create those g forces through a corner on my body and make my mind think I am surrounded by 150 degree heat as I am strapped so tightly into a car that I can barely move then we can argue about what is the better simulation. As it is it is a best guess as only a select few of the best programmers were allowed to drive a real race car at any speed or taken for a hot lap with a professional driver doing stuff we could only dream of.

have you ever played them?... realistic in reaction/feeling


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