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Wait, are you telling me that the stuff we breath out, and plants require to live, is good for plants. Seriously, the only people who have any right to believe in man-made global warming is atheists. If you actually believe in a God, and believe in man-made global warming, you might as well look at the sky and tell God he's an idiot.

We've had only 1-2 degrees of warming in the last 100 years and people act like it even matters. Whose to say it doesn't go back down by the same amount in the next 100 years. Obviously scientists can't predict this shit. Hell, they can't even 100% accurately predict the weather in a 24 hr period, yet they act like they can predict the climate in 24 years? How arrogant. I have to laugh at those who believe these same scientists who 30-40 years ago were all about global cooling and who wanted the government to take over businesses, or tax them heavily, and spend billions helping melt the polar ice caps. But, when they were proven wrong and the Earth started warming ever so slightly, they switched to global warming, still wanting the government to control or tax businesses and spend billions/trillions to fix the problem, which they would undoubtedly pocket some. At the time most of them predicted it would be MUCH warmer, now. Then, we had "the pause," so a lot just switched to climate change so they can be right no matter what Mother Nature decides to do. How "scientific" of them. Of course, it all has the same theme, they want government to control/tax businesses, spend billions/trillions on the problem, while they get their share.

Even more laughable is to see people supporting world leaders and politicians who spout this BS. Oh yeah, they really are worried about the environment as they continue to live in their multiple houses that suck many times more energy from the world than your average home, building many of them on the shores they keep talking about disappearing in just a short time, while traveling the world in their private jets and gas guzzling limos and sports cars. Hmm, seems like they want the same thing, to be able to tax businesses more, without actually trying to change their actions, and spending billions/trillions on the problem, as they pocket their share.