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Wow, this Ann Coulter makes our Roberto Calderoli look like a mild mannered gentleman
Are you sure she isn't joking, actually?
Anyway, about Iraq, I think Bush wasn't totally wrong dethronizing Saddam, but he didn't all ihe should have done.
First, to really seek justice, he had to defy Turkey's wrath and enforce resolutions about Kurdistan's freedom and independency that date back to the League of Nation: Iraq is an artificial nation that only dictatorship could keep together, doing justice to Kurds would have been the beginning of a new and better order in Middle East against bullies of the region and partial amends to the damages still done by the obtuse and artificial shape given to the region by the former colonial powers. Let's not forget that the declining British Empire opposed till the last minute the birth of Israel, just to have an idea, they favoured artificial nations drawn on a map by them and France and opposed natural ones born by the will of the citizens. Despite having only partial justice from Occident, Kurds are still friendlier to it than most other peoples there, so the other thing USA should have done is helping maintaining order and security only in Kurdistan, were they aren't hated (if not by an isolated and hated by the people baathist bunch), and let UN troops manage this matter in central and southern Iraq.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
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