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Resident_Hazard said:

Just import Contra 4. The DS is region-free after all. is your friend.


I know, same thing with Phoenix Wright 3 (I'm playing in English anyway, but having French too would have been nice to lend the game to not-so-fluent-in-English friends). But, I already have plenty of great games to play, so importing a couple of games is not really urgent. It's still a shame they're still not out in Europe, as if I were to see them on the shelves at a store, I would buy them immediately.

If I can't get a game immediately (not released yet, only on a different support,...), that's a pity but never really a big problem. I'll get them eventually. Like now, I just bought a PS2 and will soon (when I find the time) be able to envoy the few games I always wanted to get but missed out (only having a Gamecube). Same goes games like with Metal Gear Solid 4, it looks great but since it's the only game I'm really interested about on the PS3 at the moment, it's really not worth getting the system just for it. I will get it eventually (maybe in an upgraded "Subsomething" version) when the time comes (it may takes a few years).