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caffeinade said:
JEMC said:

Is there any simulator game that's actually beatable?


I am assuming PC Building Simulator, has a story mode.

Actually 30FPS isn't smooth.
I can understand how someone may think that applying a whole load of motion blur would change that.
It just doesn't work all that well.

Sea of Thieves runs at 1080p30 on the base Xbox One, right?
Lowering the res and dropping some settings should allow it to run on almost anything.

1) There's a lot of simulator games that don't have a story mode, and I don't know if this one has it or not. In any case, in most simulator games the goal is not about beat the game, but rather unlock all the possibilities and use them to play the game however you want.

2) I think you didn't get my "smooth..." comment. It was an ironical way to express how subtly you said that XOne is a potato. 

caffeinade said:
"Flight Simulator expansion installed password-stealing malware as DRM"
"FSLabs founder Lefteris Kalamaras confirmed in the company's forums that it's meant to be there"

To quote GLaDOS from Portal 2's ending song " Want You Gone":
"That would be funny, if it weren't so sad"

This is absolutely disgusting.

I completely agree on that.

And not only that but, given that the presence of such program wasn't disclosed in the terms of agreement, it's also illegal. That means that any evidence obtained through it is invalid, and also that any legit owner could sue them if they want.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.