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bloody swamp said:

Aside from Super Smash Bros. Brawl, there's basically no game announced for the summer that I'm really interested about. But that's for every support.

Fortunately, like many others, I have a lot of games still waiting to be played (on Wii, PC, DS, GC and on my new PS2), and there are plenty of games I still want to get on those systems (and even on older ones). So this summer, I might get a chance to reduce my list of unplayed games. But, at the same time, E3 is coming and it will surely bring tons of games on every support that I'll get excited about and I'll get back again with too many games to play.

So, I'm definitely not tired of waiting. And being European, I'm kinda get use to it as we almost always get games much later (where are Contra 4, Trauma Center: New Blood, Phoenix Wright 3,... ?) 


I really don't get how those so-called "hardcore" gamers can't find good games to play... There so many good games outhere, on every support.

Just import Contra 4. The DS is region-free after all. is your friend.