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Mifely said:
LOL @ many.

Raise your hand if you think the word "SALE" must mean that the retailer is losing money overall, or someone paid them to do it!

Raise your hand if you think "SALE" is about the discounted item(s)!

Raise your hand if you think Sony/MS/Nintendo make more money off hardware than software!

Raise your hand if you think games are a low-margin item at the retail level!

...if you raised your hand, or even are remotely unclear on those items, I think you should seriously consider not posting to the sales board, because you are... really misinformed.

The very idea that Sony had any part in this Wal-mart giftcard deal is... ludicrous. I find myself (as usual, on many of these topics), doubting how many of your understand anything about retail, Wal-mart (go look for some books... try: Author, Sam Walton, in the local bookstore, or library, for starts), or occasionally even basic mathematics.

I apologize if anyone is insulted by this post... but some of you are *really* off base, and I figure someone needs to tell you, before you... I dunno, get hit by a bus, in the financial sense... like get an ARM loan for a new home or something.


Dude, seriously, get your money back for that mail in business accounting degree, its just not working out for you. Does this remind everyone else of the far-fetched explanations thought up by the typical factory work lifer your stuck working next to at your summer job? The guy who thinks he's figured out the world based on nothing more than his own observations? Such typical self assumed arguments as "how cigarettes really don't cause cancer" or "how sea turtle blood cures cancer" or "how Coffee is healthier than Green Tea", etc. etc. etc. (Can you tell I've had too many summer jobs at factories?)

 In all seriousness though, you offer no substance to your claims, just claims, and no cohesive reasoning as to why you're right and we're wrong, you just say something "is this way" because "that's how it works" I think its been quite thoroughly established you have no gauge of knowledge here to assert anything on the subject matter.