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Ok, I don't own one, and don't talk about the Switch too much here because my tune hasn't changed much in the last year. There's much to like. Software is great, hardware is missing a few staples but is great too. However, the current online situation is insane. From the system not having a mic, to the overall infrastructure and glaring lack of the most basic features, as well as the required app and smartphone mess,( which would be fine as an option, but is awful as a requirement for functionality ) it's mind blowing that this is the current state of Nintendo's online offering. More hassle for less payoff is terrible proposition. I like to play co-op games online, and to a lesser extent competitive multi. I absolutely refuse to put on a monkey hat and participate in that circus to play, let's say, my beloved EDF with friends. I'm quite accustomed to life as a modern human when venturing online and won't be paying good money for the opportunity to regress to the times of....when exactly? I mean there are some things the Xbox did better in 2002, and I didn't have to run it through an ancillary device to do them. Battery life is kinda iffy too, but that's a minor issue for me, and will be fixed over time. Everything else looks dope. And hey, real memory cards! I love handhelds, and would use it as such, so it SHOULD be something I buy eventually as a successor to the Vita. So that's what I want. All of that fixed. I can see why people can overlook some, most, or even all of these things. For me however, the Switch is an extravagant, very unnecessary purchase, as I'm already lucky enough to have more games than I need. And as I've said a few times prior, I'm quite tied into, and happy with, the PS ecosystem. If I was more "in the market" for a new system, I'd buy one in spite of it's flaws and play single player games only. As it is, I'm definitely going to be more discriminating and wait for improvement. Trophievments would be a nice bonus too.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."