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Azzanation said: 

"weather its timed or made is all up to the buisness"

..... Okay? Is this a ... point? I'm not saying it's not up to the business ... ? I'm just saying that there's a reason people react a certain way to some exclusives and not to others. Whether or not it's up to the business doesn't make it a respected move or not. 

"SF5 is a brought out exclusive yet did Capcon get any death threats like Tomb Raider did? Not that i recall. The industry is full of hypocrisy."

I didn't really follow either Street Fighter 5 or Tomb Raider during their development cycles, but points like this always scratch me the wrong way. Whether or not a developer receives death threats isn't something that's common knowledge. A lot of developers get a death threat and they just ignore it. Some developers get death threats and they go to the press. Some developers treat death threats like spam. A comment on a forum could be considered a death threat, yet most people aren't going to take them seriously. Just because one developer goes public or announces that they got death threats doesn't mean other developers don't. Besides, it doesn't even matter, because any developer who makes a controversial decision will get harassment. If you don't think that Capcom got harassment just because you never heard about it than you're sadly mistaken. But this isn't a game of who can be the biggest victim, because one company getting more harassment doesn't necessarily mean hypocrisy is at hand, it can just mean that one fanbase is more affected than another and thus more upset.

"I also dont play exclusives i play games. I just hear alot that exclusives matter yet when ever the big three fight over exclusives its a different story. I dont hear Steam gamers talk about Exclusives, must be a console thing."

Console gamers make a big deal about exclusives because it's one of the biggest deciding factors in what console you'll get. An Xbox One and PS4 are almost exactly the same, the PS4 is a little bit stronger but not noticeably. So unlike the PC, a platform which gets a lot of it's audience from objectively better performance(if you have the money), consoles are competing directly and don't have a lot of leg room to gloat about power. So console gamers focusing on exclusives actually makes a lot of sense. Also, can we stop with this "I don't play x" metaphor? It's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. You can't play a graphic, and you can't play an "exclusive" without the game, but that doesn't mean we should use such phrases as "I don't play exclusives I play games!". So because you play the game people shouldn't complain about the exclusivity? Uhhhh ... the exclusive nature, and the graphics, are part of the game ... 

I think we might be getting a little off topic here though ... the point is that there's kind of a valid reason why people complain about third party titles being nabbed up as exclusives. It's not just pointless crying.