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dirtylemons said:
Nymeria said:
After Sandy Hook I realized it won't change as long as the people in power stay there. Once children being murdered didn't move the needle, the die was cast. It's become so routine there seems to be little point to even discuss the matter. Shootings happen, mass shootings happen, school shootings happen, it is part of American life.

If it really bothers people show up and vote for representatives that will do something. Until then the empty thoughts and prayers pale to the acceptance that this is accepted. It will happen again this year and the whole pointless cycle will repeat.

Can you imagine if after September 11th we simply said, "No reason to do anything rash like invade multiple countries, spend trillions of dollars, and lead to death of hundreds of thousands. Thoughts and prayers will suffice, now move on."

And what will representatives do now which they apparently failed to do in their careers up to this point? Murder and gun crime are both on the decline, so what is it you want to happen?

They will do nothing, we know this.  I'd like them to either pass legislation attempting to address the issue or state they are content with the present situation.  Stop empty statements about gun control or mental health issues and then forget the next day.  

I would like our rates to be in line with Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom within the next ten years.  We should learn from countries that do better than us to help us in facets of society to be better.