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CosmicSex said:
numberwang said:

If you want to make it politically you would have to ban Assault Democrats. Most of the countryside is murder free.

Murders in US very concentrated: 54% of US counties in 2014 had zero murders, 2% of counties have 51% of the murders


That has more to do with population than political affiliation.  You are part of the insanity problem if you can't even get past you hate of a political designation.  Your kind of thinking makes it impossible for people to see the truth and keeps them pointing at each other instead of actually doing something about the problem.  The issues is providing mentally ill people with war machines to increase the level of fear in our society.  The issues is not getting these people help and getting these weapons off the streets.   You can't have mass mental illness and stock piles of guns.  It is insane to expect anyone else.    More densely populated areas are always going to have more ill people and more guns.  Don't be silly.  Just try to address it.  Don't be scared, that is the method the NRA uses to keep us killing each other and buying their guns. 

Mental illness might be responsible for some shootings, but is not the main reason for higher murder rates. The problem is societal degeneration which only in part is fostered by the anonymity of larger cities. Fatherless children who have nobody to teach them values, adoration of criminals in the entertainment media, adoration of vain status symbols, drugs, reduction of religious values, excuse-culture instead of responsibility and many more.