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If you look in the corner under your weapon icon there is a bar that charges, but you have to hold down L1 to get it to start charging. If you are in first person mode the bar is in the middle of the screen. Buy ammo for it from drebin (just press start, go into weapon, highlight the rail gun and press triangle), you will probably need it.

As for strategy, you can either go straight for the head, or shoot them in the leg to make them collapse first. I did a bit of both depending on how many I was fighting. Also very important is sniping them before they get to your area. Right at the end, if you haven't been sniping, you'll get like four of them all at once in your area about to explode. I died a few times at that same point each time. But you should have moments where there aren't any in your area, but are some walking around and shooting while standing in the distance. Go into FP mode with the rail gun, and use your solid eye to snipe them. Thin out the herd, so they won't all gang up on you at once.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.