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famousringo said:
Fanatical111 said:
famousringo said:
By "dominate," you actually mean "exceed the weekly sales of its HD competitor by a factor of 10-20% on a somewhat regular basis," right?

Yes Sir, Sorry I am in one of those moods today.

I declare this myth plausible.

 Right now the 360's problem isn't cool games or price. Its problem is that Japan doesn't care unless it's a handheld or the Wii, the European core demographic thinks Playstation is still king, and the US core demographic is close to saturation. The 360 is running out of places to grow to.

When I look at your games list, I just see a broader selection in genres where the 360's library is already quite strong. Throw in some copycat features from the Wii and a price cut and, sure, it could claw its way back to 2nd place weekly for a while. But at this point, the die has been cast, and the major trends of this generation won't be altered without very extraordinary events.

I disagree.  Lets say $50-$100 price cut.  A vast amount of great games that appeal to everyone.  An already immense library of great games.  XBL improvements, new gameplay functionality and IPTV and other media add-ons.  This all equals substancial growth. 

Christmas time = console buying time.  If the above takes place around Christmas which will most likely happen, the 360 will see huge sales. 

Banjo and Viva appeal to that market that the 360 really hasnt touched to well.  Christmas 08 they will be inclinded to attack that market.