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I'm going to play devils advocate and say that COD4 didn't look that great either. The gameplay was fantastic and all the little things going on at once made the game look outstanding. It kind of reminds me in a way of the first Halo for the Xbox. Graphically it wasn't that impressive but it had so much going on at a given time that it was unreal. I know I'm comparing 2 completely different types of FPS from different generations but I think my point still stands.

If you don't believe me go back and play the single player campaign. Some of the textures and character models were terrible. The package on the whole however was fantastic. I'm not sticking up for Treyarch...I don't like them developing the next COD by any means, but I think a lot of people are being a little harsh on the graphical quality just because it IS Treyarch.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection