caffeinade said:
Some people play games, others play with the box. |
Decent people pay for their games. Thiefs don't. Nintendo clearly doesn't support the later. Neither do I. In fact, I'm even less tolerant than Nintendo when it comes to piracy. I hate it with all my heart.
Now, you can say you are not interested in piracy, but in homebrew in general. To be able to do things with your Switch that are not possible with the official software. I think you're lying about yourself. But let's say you really only want to do that. I would be fine with that... if piracy wouldn't be the main atraction of this whole thing. You see, only a minority of people want to hack their consoles to do some harmless stuff like emulate old consoles, add features that are not available for the system... The vast majority of people hacks their consoles to play free games. The bad greatly overpowers the good. So in my book... news like the ones in this thread shouldn't be something people are happy about.
And I don't have anything more to say about this topic.