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Saitama you freaking idiot XD

Some other thoughts:

Neverland: CALLED IT

Norman is alive! I had a feeling the last reaction face we got from him meant something. I wonder what his connection to that Monster boy is. He better not be him...*shivers*  

Attack on Titan: Wow that was a good chapter

So much awesomeness here. Adult gang, Sasha is hot, Galliard's face at seeing Levi, Jeanne is cool, etc. Warhammer Titan seems overpowered, but it was awesome how much mastery Eren has of his own Titan body now. He basically reformed his body like a minute after its head was blown off.

Curious what Zeke's plan is. The baseball mitt makes me think he's working with Eren, but maybe he's waiting for an opportunity in case Eren's group blows it. Next chapter I'm hoping we see Armin appear, who's been conspicuously absent. Grim Reminder in Reverse incoming?

I'm also curious if Reiner will fight at all. Thinking about it now, Eren's discussion with him makes sense. He won't forgive Reiner, but he understands where he's coming from. Eren was prepared to do the exact same thing, and it looks like Gabi is reflecting the revenge-obsessed person Eren was for a long time.  

Can't wait for next chapter. Hype!  

Shokugeki: Naked Apron

Isshiki lost as expected. Just another checkpoint until we get to the Sorina vs. EiRin fight.

The insight into Eishi's past was interesting though. He comes across as someone with borderline autism, he's so completely unsympathetic to anyone but himself. I suppose this reveal will tie into his eventual loss, when Souma and Erina use teamwork and he refuses to even acknowledge his partner. He really needs to be knocked down a peg.   

My Hero Academia: Eri is so cute. Not much else to say.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334