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quickrick said: 

all they said is they had a great holidays, that has nothing to do with reporting up to date recent numbers. really there 0 reason not to report recent sold through numbers. the charts are right there telling people they are using data till jan 21, but lets just ignore them.

I'm literally telling you that the chart is convincing and that it's the reason I think you may be right ... I don't know how i'm ignoring them ...

You really don't have to fight using an us vs. them mentality all the time

I don't know how you could say the holidays have nothing to do with the reporting ... the report is literally a holiday report. It's about the holidays. that's the point of the report. 

However, I think you're wrong. And it's for one big reason that I just realized. 

If you look at the chart, the total sales of Japan, America, and Europe are totaled at about 12.5 million for January 21st. That number is SOLD THROUGH.

VGChartz tracking for all those three regions combined as of January 13th? 12,035,874. This means that it's very likely that in actuality VGChartz is tracking close to Nintendo's sold-through number.

You tried to use the fact that the chart was referencing January 21st to prove that this is overtracked because the 13 million number must come from January 21st if the chart is next to it ...  but the chart, if anything, is actually showing extra sales after the holiday season. Unless you somehow think that the Switch only sold 500k units in other regions outside of Europe, North America, and Japan? 

IN ORDER TO BELIEVE THAT THE 13 MILLION NUMBER COMES FROM JANUARY 21st, you would literally have to think that only 500k switch's were sold in other regions besides NA,JP, and Europe in almost a whole year...

Last edited by AngryLittleAlchemist - on 11 February 2018