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Azuren said:

Still haven't tried Dauntless. Is there a way to try it for free, or is it Free to Play?


I would also say that as long as the port is acceptable, World will have decent numbers on PC. A number of my PC friends are patiently waiting for the PC version.

It's being tested by a number of people that backed them during their crowdfunding. It's currently in it's closed beta phase, but will be open to the open beta stage sometime in the coming months. 

You can sign up for the closed beta here and become a founder:

Their roadmap:


At this time, entering the closed beta and becoming a founder means you will be buying the game in order to support the devs, but the game is slated to become F2P during Q2 (originally Q1, but was pushed back). 

As for their stance on their F2P model:

“We want to bring Dauntless to as many people as we can and to hold ourselves to a high standard for keeping the game vital and operational for years to come. And F2P is the best way to do that!. We are firmly against pay to win and are not planning to allow the purchasing of materials. We are currently mainly focused on cosmetics.”

They are basically going with Warframe's model.


I am waiting for the PC port, but if it's bare bones and requires a lot of patching, while suffering network difficulties, then I'll likely be sticking with Dauntless and then waiting for a deep discount on MHW, if that turns out to be the case. if not, I can still play with both.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"