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Legend11 said:
If the heavy gamers make up 3.8 million it would mean that there are 190 million gamers in the U.S based on those pecentages... Even considering that those numbers include everyone from the people that play at to the ones that own several consoles, are there really that many people that play videogames in the U.S.?

"190 million gamers in the U.S"

The link you gave said "the estimated 191 million gamers in the US"...

It also says:


"Besides buying in bulk, Heavy Gamers are also the most likely to buy games via digital download. However, they are trumped by Avid PC Gamers, who have the highest number of individuals who have purchased over half their games via online delivery. Three of every five Heavy Gamers buy game content via microtransactions like those on the PlayStation Store, Wii Virtual Console, or Xbox Live Marketplace."

So yeah, VC, Live and PSn are included. 



One person's experience or opinion never shows the general consensus

PSN ID: Tispower