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Some of you may want to look at the weekly sales chart for 2008:

PS3 has only topped 212k a single time, and that was 319k on the week of Grand Theft Auto's release. It's usually been between 175k and 200k worldwide. I think the major question is whether the hardware boost this week will be as large as that for Grand Theft Auto... I would say no, except that we already know that Metal Gear Solid sold a lot of bundles in Japan, whereas Grand Theft Auto did nothing there. So I'll venture a guess somewhere in the 300-325k region, around the same amount as the week of GTA.

Unfortunately, since most of these sales are coming from new or limited edition bundles, hardware sales will likely not stay elevated for long.

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End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)