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Chazore said:
caffeinade said:

I wonder how much time and effort, as well as storage space could have been saved.
If SE used a more procedural system.
It probably took the artist a fair amount of time, to place and render the current effects.
Not to mention, if you look at them the wrong way, the illusion is ruined.
Hopefully my questions will be answered by CIG, DICE or Valve someday soon.

Looking at the trees during the Choco travel looked rather off, like the shadows were almost non existent, and the rain didn't seem to affect the water at all, despite the characters looking absolutely drenched. 

I'm also not a fan of delayed fx either, since that mecha landed on the ground, and a boom sound came 3-4 seconds after it had exploded. MSAA was not the best choice of AA since it still leaves jaggies about.

I wouldn't even call it ultimate quality tbh, more like bare bones, which is what I'm expecting from the MHW port.

The only port jobs I've seen from Japan that do their job are Bayo and Vanquish, everything else is either barebones or bad quality/optimisation. I do wish the Japanese would pick up speed, maybe learn from the Western dev teams on how to actually handle PC ports, instead of sticking to their sense of pride and leaving the platform to the last minute. 

I am doing a tiny bit of digging, but I am not sure how representative of quality this benchmark will be.
We have tessellation + displacement mapping for the ground at least, from what I am seeing.
Hopefully the full game has higher res textures than what we are seeing now.

DICE seem to do a pretty good job with their PC versions from my understanding, so there is that.

Last edited by caffeinade - on 02 February 2018