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Friday news, part two:


Conan Exiles was partly inspired by the European migrant crisis
Funcom's open-world survival game Conan Exiles celebrated its first Early Access anniversary yesterday, and looks forward to its full release later this year. The game's headline-grabbing dong slider went on to become's most read news story of 2017—you're a dirty lot, you are—however its core themes drew inspiration from more serious, real world events.


New Vampyr dev diary is all about saving and killing citizens
Another episode of "Dontnod presents Vampyr," an aptly titled series of dev diaries exploring the studio's upcoming vampire action-RPG, is out today. The third episode, "Human After All," looks at the NPCs of Vampyr's London, and how protagonist Jonathan's treatment of them affects the game's story and RPG systems.


Dota 2 is moving to a bi-weekly update schedule
Nearly five years after the debut of Dota 2, lead developer IceFrog has decided that it's time to try something different. For the next six months, give or take, the huge, sweeping patches that followers are familiar with are out, and smaller, more frequent updates are in.


Slay the Spire developer considering more characters and events
Card game roguelike Slay the Spire is hot on Steam and Twitch right now, and for good reason. It's a brilliant genre mash-up despite some late-game issues, and even in its current, truncated, Early Access state, it's a pretty absorbing experience. So players are understandably keen to know what content is coming up, which we found a little more about in a recent interview with developer Mega Crit Games over at RockPaperShotgun.


Rainbow Six Siege 'Outbreak' event will bring alien parasites, three new PvE maps
The Rainbow Six Siege: Operation Chimera tease-fest continues today with a new trailer hinting at the outer-space origins of the Outbreak that will signal the start of Year 3, and finally revealing the names of the two new Operators who have been brought in to help clean it up.


Try the demo for military RPG Long Gone Days
Long Gone Days is a modern military RPG which developer Bura describes as an eclectic mix of visual novels and shooters. It will launch on Steam Early Access in March and fully release later this year, and it already has a free Steam demo you can try.


Onrush, a racer by former Motorstorm and Driveclub devs, will come to PC
You probably haven't heard much about Onrush, because until now, Codemasters' new arcade racer had only been announced for PS4 and Xbox One. When Sony closed its first-party studio Evolution in 2016, which was responsible for the Motorstorm and Driveclub games, Codemasters recruited a bunch of the talent involved, and Onrush is the result.
Anyway, the console versions are set to launch on June 5, but today in a newly published FAQ, Codemasters has confirmed that it will be "blasting its way onto PC at a later date".


Destiny 2 update promises "go faster" Guardians are on the way
In an update posted today, design lead Josh Hamrick revealed some of the Sandbox changes that are currently being tested for what the development team is now referring to as the "Go Fast Update." The idea, he said, is to enable more "hero moments" by making players faster and stronger, and boosting the effectiveness of Power weapons.


The Forest will flee Early Access this April
The Forest, one of many survival games to hit Steam's Early Access over the past four years, will launch into 1.0 this April. The announcement was made in a new Steam Community post, where studio Endlight Games also outlined what the launch will entail.


PUBG to disable Steam family sharing in bid to halt cheaters
Since its full release late last year, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds developer PUBG Corp has sought to boost game performance and come down hard on cheaters. With the latter in mind, an early version of a "new anti-cheat solution"—which was hinted at last week—will roll out on live servers next week. A new update explains what it's all about.


Play Fallout 4 for free from now until Sunday, and buy it at 50% off
If you've been waiting for just the right moment to finally dive into Fallout 4, it's here. Fallout 4 is free to play on PC right now, and this free period lasts until Sunday, February 4. During that time, the base game is 50% off (Steam says this 'weekend deal' lasts until February 12, which may either be an error or an exceptionally long weekend).
Other discounts during the free weekend: 40% off Fallout 4 Game of the Year Edition (which includes all the DLC) and 50% off the season pass.


Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder is free to try this weekend
When games use puns in their titles, it makes telling opening paragraph jokes that bit harder. Harder. Like a rock. Urgh, see what I mean? Anyway, Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder is free to try this weekend on Steam, and is half price from now through Monday, February 5.



Time now to take a look at the rest of GOG and Steam deals for this weekend:


GOG has three sales for us:


It's hard to believe it, but besides the Fallout 4 and Rock of Ages 2 deals, there's still something else on Steam for us:



And that's all. Have a happy and gaming weekend... and you, viv, have also a placid and stress-free build.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.