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caffeinade said:

I have just tried the bechmark.

The game is alright, but it is very much a port.
I really like the addition of hair to the monsters and the volumetric fire.
Grass is always a welcome addition in my books.

Overall I am not impressed, but this is what I was expecting.
A clear leap above the consoles (assuming they run Lite or Standard).
They clearly didn't rebuild the game from the ground up.

Some quick screenshots:

THe thing I dislike most about testing the benchmark, is that I can see every object, every shadow rendering in front of me within a 5m radius. It honestly feels like I'm watching an artist paint a movie, only they are doing it on the go. I've played games that have done rendering shadows+textures better than FFXV.


I still remember seeing the first XV demo gameplay on consoles, and noticing a ring around the player's feet, which was where everything would start to render in, like the shadows for one. As soon as I noticed it I couldn't stop seeing it happening everywhere. I was actually hoping that the devs would have greatly increased the rendering distance for both shadows and textures, but it seems nothing was done about that which is a damn shame. You can have the best looking game on the planet, but if everything starts rendering a foot or two in front of you, it greatly tosses away my immersion and feeling of a living breathing world, but instead looks like a slideshow being painted live. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"