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Pemalite said:
Chazore said:

I think AoE remake and AoE 4 will flop on the store alone tbh.

I am a massive Age of Empires fan. Microsoft has already lost a sale here by not having it on Steam.
The memories of Games For Windows Live are still fresh.

You're telling me. I decided for some reason, to install and run Operation Raccoon city, only to be met with it crashing on startup, to which a 20 min look-over had me downloading the latest GFWL version and then running the game, only to be met with the fucking coloures being inverted. Apparently no one has run into this issue, and as such I can never play the game, despite me getting past GFWL.

Have I mentioned my hate for GFWL yet?.


Everyone is praising Capcom out the ass, and I'm here staring at a game that's both practically dead and doesn't work properly on a modern OS. It worked on Win 7, but flat out doesn't work for me on 10. I'm aware that it wasn't Capcom who made the game, yet they published it, they looked over it and said it was fit for selling. 

This is why I fear for the PC port of MHW, because if their previous games are going to die in a few years time thanks to a new OS they cba patching for, or games they are just going to publish poorly, then I have next to no hope for a very competent MHW port job. Especially considering it's MH dev team's first ever port job. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"