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Chazore said:
JRPGfan said:

Does Nintendo own PlatinumGames?
Does Nintendo own the IP Bayonetta?

If no, serious question.... but why cant it come to the PS4?
If yes, then okay understandable.

Wasnt the first game on Xb360, PS3? as well.

You know what I find really random about this whole "they funded it" excuse?, the fact that we have gamers funding games over on PC, that sometimes make their way to more than just one platform. So why is it that a company can fund partly for game (I say partly, because they'd actually need a semi functional game to actually show that it's worth putting money into) is allowed to keep the game forever, while a crowd funded game is allowed to go wherever it wants to. You could sum up a crowd's worth of money to a company that managed to obtain a crowd's worth of money from past paying customers, I mean that's where the vast majority of money comes from in a business anyway (they can't all 100% rely on investors, let alone indefinitely), which is why I see both as being the same, only one is handled by a dev taking the money vs a company giving a dev money. 

I also find it rather backwards to release the first game across multiple platforms, and then seemingly cutting off all ties with everyone else. It's like selling a movie that's supported across all forms of DVD players, but then suddenly certain movies are only playable on only one type of DVD player, which limits how it can be played, let alone bought from.

Its a different kind of deal.When you try to fund your game through crowdfunding sites like Fig orKickstarter, you are asking for money to make the game, and in return the person who funded the game gets a copy or a toy or something of the sorts in return.Its not like one single person is funding the game entirely.

As for when a company funds a game thast couldnt be done otherwise, it is not doing it out of its kindness.It wants something back.A company wants to make money after all.We all forget every now and then that videogames are a business and in the end, the industry is more concerned with making money than having an artistic pride or keeping the gamer happy.

And Bayonetta 2 wouldnt happen without Nintendo help.At that point, Platinum needed more money than the 2 or 3 millions it could get through kickstarter.It needed the game to be fully funded.How can we complain about companies stepping in in cases like that?The perfect scenario would be for all games to be multiplats, but betwenn having no game and having it exclusive, I would choose the latter.

These types of situations are not black and white.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.