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I'd like to know how many Americans are in America and how many Americans are in Iraq. I'm sure I could have just as much fun with these numbers as Ann Coulter's crazy ass. But I'm pretty sure an armed U.S. soldier would be safer in Chicago than in Iraq. I'm also sure an unarmed U.S. civilian would be safer in Chicago than in Iraq. If she's arguing that armed U.S. soldiers are safer than unarmed U.S. civilians in Chicago, maybe she's right, but that is the stupidest argument I've ever heard of.

@Kasz, if Ann Coulter ever argued that that was the reason we invaded Iraq, I'd understand her argument, but nobody ever argued that before the war. There's this huge logical gap between 9/11 and the invasion that I refuse to leap across. They don't get to change their justifications each time the last one gets disproved.

Of course Iraq was never a threat, but I also don't see how terrorism was even a threat after 9/11. Didn't they take over 5 years or so to plan 9/11? Iraq War or no Iraq War, I don't think 7 years without another attack is a sign of success. People have been more afraid than usual recently, which is a sign that the terror tactics are working... but I can't think of a way to prove you're beating terrorists.

How can we prove we're winning? No new attacks? Doesn't that mean we were winning on September 10th, 2001? Or do we just count the days since the last attack and come up with an arbitrary number that represents safety and freedom? This is one of the major problems with wars against vague ideologies instead of against actual people in actual countries.