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KrspaceT said:
VGPolyglot said:

1. While Obama was president, greenhouse gas emissions rose:

2. Remember the Dakota access pipeline, where the police attacked Native Americans? Obama was also president during that time:

3. The military budget rose under Obama:

4. The US produced more oil under the latter years of Obama's presidency than any of Bush's years:

5. Democrats in congress are still disproportionately male:

6. Hillary Clinton, presidential candidate in 2008 and 2016, is talking about war with Iran

7. Remember the Jim Crow and segregationist laws? There were Democrats that supported them too.

8. Democrats in Connecticut approved education cuts:

9. There were still over 2.5 million people deported under Obama. I would say that they probably did not do a case-by-case of all of those 2 million plus people:

10. They may want to limit guns, but notice how they are mentioning war weapons? Maybe it's because they want to prevent armed uprising against them?:

1: He also worked to work on controlling future emissions. Accords and all, which Trump quickly backed out of.

2: Being president doesn't mean one can control everything. 

3: I said military action, did I not

4: And green energy production is also booming during that time.

5: So a white man can't work for woman and minority rights? You have to be LGBT to support them? Aren't you narrow minded.

6: Hillary is a tad more hawkish than most, but plenty less than Republicans. 

7: The modern Democrat and the Democrat of now a days are very different. Parties back then were mostly based on economics, with wings of social politics in each party. The conservative democrat of Jim Crow is a Republican today.

8: I'm from Connecticut, and the current govenor is doing long needed budget work. It's why he's only single terming on his volition. Also note my comment was on science: Malloy is not pushing for people in Connecticut to think T.Rex was on the ark.

9: He also passed the DREAMER information, lest one forget. Republicans now want those people gone despite the fact that they were children taken across the border

10: Paranoia huh, cute. It could because military grade hardware is used by people to mow down bars and schools.

Wouldn't point #2 contradict point #1?

3. What do you think they increased the budget for? Just for fun?

4. And has production gone down since then?

5. No, nor did I imply that. I am saying that it's tough to talk about equal rights for genders when your own party is dominated by males.

6. Plenty less than Republicans? How are we determining the scale? Is it anything to avoid associating Democrats with Republicans?

7. They claim to be the same party, as that one though..

8. Less funding means they are more vulnerable to having to rely on private donors or institutions, which is a huge risk.


10. It's pretty simple to conclude that they don't want to get overthrown when they're the ones in power.


By the way, I don't like Republicans, keep that in mind. My goal isn't to defend the Republicans, but to try to help people understand that they are both part of the same regime and same system, and thus they're going to have many similarities.

Last edited by VGPolyglot - on 31 January 2018