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Aiemond said:
the_bloodwalker said:
I do think is a good step in a new direction for Microsoft... But being honest, it came too little, too late.

If the Xbox 360 had come with this from the bery begining, it would make a lot more difference... But this is a response to Sony's Home and Nintendo's Mii. And implementing it on a console that didn't consider these new values from the system's conception is going to ba a hard struggle to cater audience

Exactly. I don't think this will increase the amount of sales from microsoft. The usage of the avatars will not be as high as the wii (many games are using them) and the demographic that the xbox brand caters too tends to be gamers that this would not interest. The company has to have similar values to Nintendo to be able to do this successfully...and they have to have a way to generate buzz around it.


Leo-j I understand where you are coming from, but you have to look more in depth at the issue to talk about copying. Nintendo's controller is significantly different than any motion controls we have seen before (as a whole). They used them in an innovative way that excited the market. People say the PS3 copied because of the timing of the announcement Sony may have had the motion control idea inside the sixaxis before nintendo announced the wiimote. I don't think so, but that does not mean I am correct. But, the way they used it is significantly different that Nintendo's, like I said earlier.

 Call me naive, but I believe Sony when they say they were working on the six axis controller before Nintendo was getting all the love with the wii mote.  I don't think that is something that they could have gone, "Oh, shit.  Lets get some motion sensing of our own and add it in, steal a little bit of Nintendo's buzz."  Nintendo probably started working on the wii mote a year after the game cube was released and Sony probably started working on the six axis a few years after the release of the ps2.  What I don't believe though was that they intended to use it this gen, they probably wanted to use it next gen and then when they got hit with that law suite from that no body firm in Texas with the rumble they rushed through the six axis, added it to Warhawk which they might or might not have been making anyways (part of some other game that they morphed into Warhawk to showcase the six axis) and used it in place of the rumble until the lawsuite could be cleared up.