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Slimebeast said:
CaptainPrefrences said:
Slimebeast said:
konnichiwa said:
Slimebeast said:
kingofwale said:
Slimebeast said:
*bleu-ocelot* said:
Slimebeast said:
Crucible - amazing looking action-adventure game, AAA title. X360 being the adventure king of this gen confirmed.

Forza 3 - GT-killer confirmed.


GT5 eats Forza for breakfast.No competition,troll.

"Troll"... if that makes you feel better, ok.

GT5 will sell 6 million and Forza3 "only" 4 mill, but Forza3 will be the better game.

well, it's great to see you can back it up with real data. Because we all know how Forza has always been better than GT series.

Gran Turismo 4: 89% on Gamerankings

GT5 Prologue: 80%

Forza 2: 90%

Enuff said.

A new kind of cherry picking?

How is that cherry picking? The latest Forza 2 beats GT4 and the 80% for GT5Pro doesn't strengthen GT5's case.


Everything you have just said Slimebeast is garbage and doesnt make sense, just like your prediction in your sig. You havent even played Forza 3 or know anything about it and its already a GT5 killer, when GT5 will have the better graphics, more cars, 3rd party steering wheel support, and more tracks. And how can you compare forza 2 with GT4? This is coming from a 360 owner btw.


lol, you're using the same flawed logics yourself.

So I'm telling garbage when I say Forza 3 will be better, but you are perfectly allowed to claim that GT5 will have

- better grafix

- more cars

- more tracks


I'm actually curious how many cars GT5 will have. If it has as many cars as GT4 had it might end up being the most epensive game made this generation.

I mean how much does a graphic designer make in Japan?  6 months a car racks up quite the graphics bill even at $10,000 a year.   Let alone tracks.